Troubleshooting Problems With Your Residential Well

If you are experiencing problems with your residential well, the problem could lie in different areas, from your home plumbing to the electrical. As you narrow down the systems, it will help you to diagnose your problem, hopefully saving you time and money in the long run. Understanding the basics of a residential well is the first step.

As the pressure tank in your home fills with water, the water becomes compressed due to an air-filled vinyl bladder. When the pressure is high enough, the pressure switch is flipped, and the flow of water from the pump stops. As the water empties, the pressure switch turns on to refill the tank. Two common problems with well pumps are the pressure tank and the switch. These are both inexpensive to replace in comparison to the well. Below are some of the signs for problems with your tank or switch.

Water Pressure

If there is no water, pulsing water, or loud spirts of air coming from your faucet, then there is a problem with your water pressure. Check the pressure gauge on your tank. The pressure should read two pounds per square inch (psi) less than the setting for which the pressure tank turns on. This would be about 20 psi if your tank turns on at 22psi. If the pressure is good, then the problem may be inside the home. If the pressure reads lower, then the problem may be in the pressure tank or the well pump.

Also, make sure to check the electricity. This is a common culprit. If there is a power outage or a breaker has flipped, then this can turn off the pressure to your tank. Another thing to double check is that you have the right size pressure tank and water pump for your residence.

Pump constantly running

You may notice this from a high utility bill. If the pump never shuts off and continually runs, it will increase your power used and cost you. First thing to do, is to shut on the pressure switch. Running your pressure tank non-stop will ruin the motor. Next, look for water running in the residence. It could be a toilet or an outdoor pipe. Again, check the pressure switch. If somebody messed with the switch, it could be set at a pressure higher than it can ever achieve. These are the easiest fixes to this problem. Other possible causes could include the pump itself or possible low water levels in the ground. Contact a licensed professional for further diagnosis.

For more information, contact a company like David Cannon Well Drilling.
