Get Valuable Insights From Marketers, Sociologists And Marketers When Purchasing A Submersible Pump

When selecting a new submersible pump for an existing wastewater processing facility, there are many technical considerations that must be taken into account. For instance, the size and location of the station's pipes, valves and wet wells may all affect which submersible pipes will be compatible with the existing infrastructure. Technical questions that engineers can answer, however, are hardly the only factors to consider. If you run a wastewater facility and are trying to pick a new submersible pump, you'll want to talk with marketers, sociologists and meteorologists before you select a model for your plant.

Marketers Will Know Seasonal Population Shifts

Almost every area has seasonal population shifts. For instance, resort towns in the South see large influxes of seasonal residents and tourists during the winter. In some cold northern regions, the population peaks during summer, when the weather is fairer.

When selecting a submersible pump, you should look for one that's able to handle the peak seasonal population for the area you plant services.  While you may not need the pump's full capacity all year long, your facility will need to a pump that's large enough to process the peak amount of waste, which is generated when the greatest number of people are in the area.

A marketer for your region will be able to tell you its seasonal population shifts. They may not know precisely how many people are in your area during the peak season, but they will know when the peak season is. Once you find out what the peak season is, you can go through your facility's data from past years to see how much wastewater is typically processed during that time of year.

The following agencies are good places to look for a marketer who is familiar with your area's seasonal population shifts:

  • your local chamber of commerce
  • your state's travel bureau
  • any nearby visitor's center

Sociologists Will Have Demographic Predictions

In addition to handling the current seasonal peaks, the submersible pump you select should also be able to accommodate future population growth if you're in a growing region. After all, the person that determines your facility's budget doesn't want to hear that you need another new submersible pump in two years, or even five years. The pump you purchase now should be sufficient for several years, at least.

Sociologists familiar with your area will have the most accurate demographic predictions. Based on Census and other data, they should be able to predict whether your region's population will grow, remain stable or decline over the coming years, and they may even be able to identify specific areas that will see the greatest population changes. You may find a sociologists who has this information at the nearest university, college or community college.

Meteorologists Will Have Flood Data

Finally, in addition to accommodating people, a new submersible pump will also need to process any increased volume of water that a flood brings. As the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency explains, heavy rain storms can overwhelm public sewers. While you might not be able to change the number or size of sewer pipes your region has, you can at least make sure that your facility's pump is able to handle the increase in water and isn't the bottleneck of your facility's system.

When choosing a pump, you'll have to decide whether you want a model that's capable of handling a 10-, 50- or 100-year flood. Once you decide on the level of flooding you want the pump to be sized for, a meteorologist in your area will be able to tell you how much water such a flood brings to the region. You can find a meteorologist at a local college or your local news stations.

If you're trying to pick a submersible pump for your wastewater processing facility, don't just talk to engineers about technical considerations. Get out of your plant and talk to marketers, sociologists and meteorologists. They'll all also have important information that will help you select the best model for your plant. For more information, consider sites like
